Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ahh... College

   It is a frigid morning here in Cedar Falls. I am fortunate enough to not have set foot outside yet, and do not need to until this afternoon. Instead, my morning has been filled with homework, oatmeal, and cleaning up after my mess.
    Last night I received an email from the professor of the only class I have on Thursdays letting me know we did not have class today. That was by far one of the best emails I have received in my life. However, I knew I still had to get up and do homework today. So I got up, made some oatmeal, cleaned up after that mess, and began my homework. Mid-way through my homework I decided I need to take a break, so for the last half hour I have been on Facebook and Twitter. Being the productive person I am, I switched to creating this blog post! Also, notice the nifty little Spotify play button over there ---------------->---------------->------------------>------------------->--------------------->-------------------> I'm going to try to change the song every week, so stay tuned for some quality songs! Well, time to get back to actual work, nice talking with you! Have a wonderful day!

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